

SGS Law Firm




  1. Male/Female, 23 – 28 Years Old;
  2. Bachelor degree in law from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.0;
  3. Having 1 – 2 years experience as lawyer in law firm or legal officer in prominent company;
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  5. Developed analytical skills and ability to creative problem solving;
  6. Excellent grasp of spoken and written English;
  7. Comfortable with new technologies and competer literate (Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, Etc);
  8. Excellent attention to detail and able to organize and manage workload and prioritise effectively;
  9. Good interpersonal and communication skill;
  10. Can work flexible hours.

Kirim Lamaran

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi dan tertarik melamar posisi Associate tersebut, kirim surat lamaran, CV dan photo terbaru Anda ke emai: dengan subjek: “Application for Associate”

Baca juga:
Trainee Associate – Hiswara Bunjamin & Tandjung

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