Litigation and Arbitration Associate


Marieta Mauren


Litigation and Arbitration Associate


  1. Male or Female, 25 -28 years old.
  2. Bachelor of Law degree with a minimum GPA of 3,3 on a scale of 4.0.
  3. Having 4 – 5 years experience in experience in a law firm, with solid knowlegde in corporate law as well as experience in litigation and arbitration matters.
  4. Having on advocate license is a must.
  5. Experience in drafting legal documents with high accuracy and strong analytical skills.
  6. Excellent speaking and writing ability in English and Indonesian.
  7. Comfortable with new technologies and computer literacy (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and outlook).
  8. Ability to work in tigh deadline and fast-paced environment, both independently and in a team.

Kirim Lamaran

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