Legal Credit Counsel




Legal Staff


Jakarta Pusat

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Develop, maintain, and implement legal credit operational programs, including policies and guidelines, documentation, training logs, and related policies/procedures
  2. Prepare legal opinion and assistance on financing contracts based on the applicable law and regulations, including drafting, reviewing, advising and obtaining the perfection of the financing and security legal documentations
  3. Manage, monitor and administer the public notary to ensure the effective and efficient processing of the financing contracts, collateral checking and pledging documentations including to ensure “zero mistakes documentation” to secure the interest of the creditor when exercising its rights to a Non Performing Financing debtor.
  4. Managing internal operations process with credit analyst, appraisal and custodian team to ensure an effective service level agreement based on the company standard operating procedures
  5. Provide regular reporting to the management and submit accurate and timely reports to regulators (as applied) to ensure the avoidance of sanctions/fines from regulators
  6. Monitor changes in laws, regulations, and industry best practices to ensure the company remains up-to-date and compliant
  7. Liaise with external regulators such as the Land National Office, Ministry of Law and Humans Rights, Courts, and other related government agencies


  1. Bachelor’s Degree or University degree or equivalent experience
  2. Minimum of 5-10 years of relevant experience in the Legal Credit and/or Operation function of financial institutions, preferably Multifinance Company and/or Banks
  3. Solid understanding of applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, with a focus on legal credit, compliance, and corporate governance
  4. Exceptional attention to detail, highly responsible, with strong integrity, commitment and discipline
  5. Passionate about delivering high-quality work and exceeding expectations in a fast-paced environment
  6. Strong communication skills, both oral and written, with the ability to effectively communicate advice backed up by sound judgment

Lamar Pekerjaan

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